Pennrail's Place

Pennrail's Place
May all your tracks lead to happiness !!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mikes Birthday

Hi everyone, We had a blast yesterday October 17, 2009. Yep that was Mike's Birthday !!! We went to Oklahoma City to a place called Frontier City, at around 630ish why so late? Because they called it Fright Night !!! There was 7 of us in my sisters car and when we got there I was sitting on Mike's lap and feel out of the car when the car door opened, It was the funniest sight to see ( I did not get hurt, I was laughing to hard) so we went into the park and went to the Haunted House that they had, it was fun while in there I turned around for a minute to cover my back from having someone come up behind me then I turned around to face mike and there was someone else there and so I let out a scream, We enjoyed that !!! after the Haunted House most of them went to a Loopy-doo roller coaster I chickened out so I was the pack mule, I got to hold everyone's cell phones. but after that they wanted to to on the Ferris Wheel, I dont like hights but I told myself I am going to do it and I DID !!! the seats where like a basket sorta seat, you can fit about 6 people in it, but there was only three of us well I bent over and hid from seeing the hights but once I got a little more comfortable with it I peeked out once and a while but hey I DID IT !!! everyone was proud of me for facing my fear head on including myself. then I felt adventures then so we went on a roller coaster that you sit in a bucket seat and the rails are over head and your feet are dangling IT WAS AWSOME !!! I wanted to go back and ride it agian and again. the funniest thing is I was not nervous I was not scared I hooted and hollard but my teeth did not want to ride, they where on the verge of escaping. it was really funny. But we enjoyed the evening Mike had fun and thats what mattered . We have pictures of the place as well we would love to share so email us or make a comment and we will send them out via email.

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